D&I Models, Assessments and Tools Designed to Align.
We help organizations to better align their products and people with the diverse marketplace they serve. This results in more targeted marketing, better products, improved customer service and a more engaged workforce.
Culturally competent organizations are more likely to realize market opportunities and avoid costly pitfalls related to marketing, selling and servicing today's diverse marketplace.
Leadership Inclusion Readiness Assessment (LIRA)
When tackling your company’s diversity journey, it is important to know where your management team stands. This basic awareness helps identify strengths/weaknesses, past experiences, and conscious/ unconscious beliefs and attitudes that can impact your efforts and effectiveness.
LIRA is an assessment and workshop that objectively measure participants’ awareness and comfort levels regarding D&I. It provides self-reflection and communication skills to improve effectiveness in fostering awareness, engagement, empowerment, and achievement with a diverse group of people.
Cost: The LIRA is typically part of a 1½-day workshop or consulting engagement, but it can be licensed for unlimited company use for $2,000.
Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI®)
Working with different people, situations, and ideas requires a certain mindset, skill-set and knowledge-base – all competencies that can be measured and improved.
The IDI® allows you to objectively assess your comfort level with situations, people, or ideas that differ from your own. This level of awareness provides a building block on which to address and overcome any unconscious beliefs or biases that may prevent diverse groups of people from working together effectively. Inclusive environments only add value when teammates can both recognize the commonalities among their differences and to leverage diverse perspectives to find more robust, inclusive solutions to business challenges or opportunities.
Cost: The IDI is typically incorporated into individual or group coaching at the cost of $45 per individual for a group profile and $200 per individual for a one-on-one coaching session.
Life Orientations (LIFO®)
Do you know your strengths and weaknesses as a leader? Or the strengths, challenges, motivators or preferences of those with whom you work?
At our core, every individual is a unique entity. No one responds to the same factors in the same way. Developing an authentic management style that maximizes the productivity of a diverse group is a universal management challenge. LIFO® is a tool that helps provide a solution. Taking this survey increases productivity by identifying current individual and team dynamics and providing customized suggestions to capitalize on the strengths of your entire team.
Cost: LIFO® is typically incorporated into individual or group coaching at the cost of $45 per individual for a group profile and $200 per individual for a one-on-one coaching session.
Owning Your Brand (OYB)
How do other people perceive you? Are you ever reluctant to address an issue out of fear that you will be perceived incorrectly?
While good intentions are admirable, people are affected by their perception of how your actions impact them. Therefore, understanding how you are perceived is important. OYB helps you take control of your narrative through the discovery of how your actions impact others; reflect on how you want to be perceived; and explore actions that you can take to represent your best self to those around you.
Cost: The OYB model is typically part of a 1½-day workshop or consulting engagement, but it can be licensed for unlimited company use for $500.
Performance Square (P2)
Do all your employees feel equally engaged and motivated during your performance review process? Would you like to optimize the professional potential of every member of your team?
Even within a documented review process that applies to everyone, performance reviews require intimate human interaction. Comfort and trust are necessary to conduct performance reviews that are equally insightful and motivating for all employees. P2 helps managers and employees discuss and address the four essential elements of superior performance—the job, the employee, the manager, and the culture—in a manner that is comprehensive, fair, and beneficial for everyone involved.
Cost: The P2 model is typically part of a 1½-day workshop or consulting engagement, but it can be licensed for unlimited company use for $500.
The Network Influence Model
How diverse is your personal or professional network? Do you either seek counsel from or give it to anyone whose perspectives and life experiences are demonstrably different than your own?
The best way to increase your comfort level and understanding regarding diversity is to have meaningful interactions with diverse groups of people. The Network Influence Model provides a systematic, measurable process to track, assess, expand, and improve your relationships within both your personal and professional networks. It is often used to support the efforts of participants who wish to address their IDI® and LIFO® results.
Cost: The Network Influence model is typically part of a 1½-day workshop or consulting engagement, but it can be licensed for unlimited company use for $500.
90 Minute Free Webinar
Every new D&I initiative needs to be properly presented to gain acceptance.
Our FREE 90-minute training webinar will kick-off your company’s efforts toward developing a more inclusive culture. This is an opportunity to introduce participants to your company’s new focus areas in D&I as well as Inclusion Innovates’ resources, such as the key components of the following:
Leadership Inclusion Readiness Assessment (LIRA)
Owning Your Brand (OYB)
Performance Squared (P2)
The Network Influence Model
Introduction to Business-Aligned D&I Planning
FREE Seminar
Professionals need to understand the reasons for change before they typically embrace them. Participants of this thirty-minute course will gain an understanding of the rationale for assessing, identifying, and adopting more inclusive practices that are aligned with your unique organizational processes and thinking.
In this interactive online experience, we discuss and examine current market examples of opportunities as well as threats that are facing organizations who have either succeeded or failed to understand the importance of creating a culturally competent organization.
1½-Day Workshop
This 1½-day workshop takes a deeper look at incorporating or enhancing your company’s approach to D&I. Participants explore details within the LIRA and discuss the impact of its key complementary models. It also provides participants an opportunity to create meaningful deliverables with insights into people, products, and processes. The goal is to foster constructive dialogue about sensitive issues, enhances trust and respect, and raises productivity. Workshops can include a group IDI® or LIFO® at a 50% discounted rate.
Cost: $2,500 without a group profile; $3,000 with a group profile
Strong leadership is crucial to the implementation of new strategic focus. Investing in the skills and competency of your management staff is a sound step when developing a more inclusive company culture.
We specialize in personal and professional coaching for individuals and organizations. Sessions typically use the LIRA, LIFO® and/or IDI® assessments reports.
Cost: $250 initial session, including LIFO® survey and report. Six sessions are $1,000, including LIFO® survey and report.
Is your organization ready to meet the needs and concerns of the 21st century marketplace?
Talent acquisition, product development. and effective marketing are just a few critical areas that benefit from inclusive policies and practices.
To create and maintain an effectively inclusive culture, D&I should be an inherent part of your overall strategic planning. Our consultants will help you assess your organization's cultural competency and develop inclusive strategies that are aligned with your unique business focus. Our goal is to ensure that your processes, personnel, products, and services are well aligned with today's diverse workplace and marketplace.
We offer hourly, daily, and project-based diversity training and consulting.
Cost: $250 per hour, or $150 per hour for 25 hours or more. Project pricing is also available.
Business-Aligned D&I Planning
Customized Services
Integrating inclusive policies and practices into an existing business model takes planning and forethought. Our Business-Aligned D&I Planning model helps you create D&I initiatives and actions that align with your organizational goals, enhance buy-in, assist in obtaining resources, and provide measurable results.
Cost: The Business-Aligned D&I Planning model is typically part of a 1½-day workshop or consulting engagement, but it can be licensed for unlimited company use for $500.